

跳到内容部分。|跳转到导航栏 个人工具 搜索网站 only in current section --> 高级搜索 雷竞技能不能提钱 服务及特色 关于我们 雷竞技要多少钱才能提取 教育 研究 工作人员| 医生| 护士| 媒体| 捐赠 你在这里: 首页/ 雷竞技要多少钱才能提取/ 志愿者资源/ 如何成为一名志愿者 信息 分享: --> 如何成为一名志愿者 我们很高兴在疫情导致的长时间停工后,志愿者们又回到了西奈山!病人、访客、志愿者和工作人员的健康和安全仍然是我们的首要任务。 我们的志愿者计划目前已满,目前不接受申请。 普通课程申请人(成人和大专学生)鼓励在2023年3月回来查看即将到来的机会。 我们目前没有高中生的职位空缺。如有机会,我们将更新网站。 需求 要成为西奈山志愿者,你必须: 至少16岁 英语流利(会外语者优先) 申请前必须在加拿大居住至少12个月 具有良好的沟通能力(书面和口头),积极倾听和人际交往能力 成为我们宗旨和价值观的代表 必须全面接种COVID-19疫苗吗 承诺 最少工作6个月或以上(1班制-每周最少工作3-4小时) 请注意,我们对志愿者的最大需求是在工作日的白天。晚上和周末的志愿者机会有限。 Summer Program High School Summer Program - Volunteers must commit to one 3-4 hour shift per day, Monday to Friday for one month (July or August) or two 3-4 hour shifts for two months (July AND August) Application deadline is May 1, 2022. Post-Secondary Summer Program – Volunteers must commit to one 3-4 hour shift for four months (May to August) OR three 3-4 hour shifts per week for two months (May and June OR July and August) Application deadline is March 1, 2022. High-School Co-op Program Our Co-op program offers high school students the opportunity to work closely with Sinai People to learn about healthcare and gain practical experience. Placements are offered during the semester academic year (September to January or February through June) and are arranged through participating school’s co-op department. We offer half-day placements for either morning or afternoon. Applications must include a: Cover Letter Resume Teacher Recommendation Letter (1) Co-op students must wear T-Shirts which are purchased two for $30.00 (non-refundable). --> Application Process --> Volunteering at Mount Sinai is a valued commitment. Before you apply, please note that it can take up to eight weeks to process, interview and register a new volunteer. Complete online application form: Applicants must provide the names and contact info for two professional references Referees should know you for a minimum of one year Cannot be lawyers, doctors or friends and family members. Suggested referees include employers, supervisors, coaches, or teachers. Applications must include a resume * Applicants must include all three components (application form, reference forms, and resume) to be considered. Applicants will be contacted upon submission of application* * While all applications are reviewed, due to the volume of applications we receive; only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Applications will remain on file for 3 months. Attend a scheduled interview. --> Apply here--> 我被录取后怎么办? 与你的家庭医生或在免预约诊所填写一份医疗表格* 所有候选人必须出示豁免证明: 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹(MMR) 水痘(水痘) 2步结核病皮肤试验 COVID-19疫苗接种证明 *西雷竞技newbee奈山医院不支付与健康免疫过程相关的任何费用。 请注意,志愿者必须在第一次志愿者会议之前由我们的职业健康团队进行检查 完整的文档流程 签署所有强制性文件并注明日期 完成强制性在线培训模块 参加综合医院的培训 领取带照片的身份证徽章和志愿者制服。志愿者制服售价$25.00(不可退还)。夏季志愿者必须穿售价15美元的t恤(不可退还)。执勤时必须佩戴制服和身份卡 与实习主管一起参加特定项目的培训 Apply here--> 导航 雷竞技要多少钱才能提取 职业发展机会 志愿者资源 如何成为一名志愿者 志愿服务机会 常见问题 大学大道600号多伦多,安大略省,M5G 1X5 电话:416-596-4200 得到方向 西奈医疗 雷竞技能提现出来吗 Hennick Bridgepoint医院 Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum研究所 西奈卫生基金会 与西奈健康联系 隶属于 认可 ©2023西奈雷竞技newbee山医院。版权所有。 隐私政策|联系我们 由Plone & Python提供支持 站点地图 可访问性 联系

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